This is a special show! The guys are honored to talk with none other than Mario Andretti, possibly the best-known race car driver in the world. Mr. Andretti has won numerous awards, an uncountable number of races and lived to tell the tales! Tune in to hear about how Mario overcame his father’s objection to his racing cars, the most compelling track he’s ever raced and the speeding ticket that’s framed in his trophy room. This is absolutely not to be missed!
Available now on Amazon, Drop, Throttle, Oversteer: Collecting & Investing in Classic Cars by our very own host, Jason Paynter!
This episode of Classic Car Corner is sponsored by Springdale Automotive. With decades of experience in automotive service excellence, Springdale Automotive wants to be your go-to service provider for all your classic cars. Friendly, knowledgeable, fair. Contact Springdale today to get that classic beauty back on the road!