We love the email newsletter Weekly Thoughts from Chenmark. This family-run business has a beautiful philosophy/strategy and their musings are always compelling and sometimes so perfectly timely it can be eerie.
Their post from this week about distraction is something we’ve been struggling with here as well. With all we are blessed to have living at the beginning of the 21st century and the second millennium, sometimes it seems almost selfish and ungrateful to complain about distraction. Aren’t we living in the most glorious time in terms of availability of information? Would we want to go back to the 1900s – or heck, even the 1980s – much more restricted access to information?
The answer has to be “no.” We are not anti-progress and even if we were, wishing to turn back the clock wouldn’t help. We think the folks at Chenmark have it right here; to pseudo quote Spiderman, with great information comes great distractability. The key to managing it is, well, managing it. Like anything else, with boundaries and discipline.
Have a great week!