Meet the Griswold’s, a Georgia family who decided to live up to their name with an iconic Family Truckster. Listen in to their story of how it was acquired, reconstructed, and where it’s taken them, along with how they met their big screen namesake, Chevy Chase. They’ve turned some heads, had a few break downs, and have revisited some historic sights from the movie with their Metallic Pea Green Beaut. It was such a thrill to talk with a real life Griswold family!
Available now on Amazon, Drop, Throttle, Oversteer: Collecting & Investing in Classic Cars by our very own host, Jason Paynter!
This episode of Classic Car Corner is sponsored by Springdale Automotive. With decades of experience in automotive service excellence, Springdale Automotive wants to be your go-to service provider for all your classic cars. Friendly, knowledgable, fair. Contact Springdale today to get that classic beauty back on the road!